Adventure Dogs

Dog Walking Services

Are we the right Dog Walker for you?

Life can occasionally get in the way of being a dog owner. Whether it’s work commitments, or just poor health, finding the time to walk your dog can sometimes be difficult.

Well, you’re in the right place to find just the right help you need.

Our Dog Walking Services

It is disheartening when a dog causes a nuisance to other dog walkers, due to poor recall or control. Which is why we start off walking your dog on lead, progressing to eventually be let off.

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Walking on Lead

To start with, all walks will be on lead. Through recall progression, we will work towards off lead walks.

Dog Walker ball Rosette Adventure Dogs icon

Treat Based Rewards

We use positive rewards, that best suit your dog. Games, treats, or the occasional fuss.

Dog Walker Commands Rosette Adventure Dogs icon

Using Commands

We use either: commands you provide, or commands we use for all our adventure dogs.

Dog Walker Fields Forest Mountains Rosette

Forests, Fields, and Mountains

Not your regular dog walker! We have full pet transport capabilities and take your dog on a real adventure.

Dog Walker photography Rosette Adventure Dogs icon

Lots of Great Photographs

We take plenty of photos. Message us through our contact page if you would like one of your dog.

The Adventure Begins here

Over the first few weeks, a relationship is built between your dog and our walker. Having a great relationship is important as it helps build trust. Your dog to trust us, and us to trust them. Moreover, trust is also key when it comes to learning. If your dog has trust in us, they will be more likely to learn from our training.

Group Walks

As most of our walks are groups, your dog gets to play and socialise with other dogs. These are carefully matched to ensure the best experience for all dogs in the group.

Group walks are not for every dog, so this service will be at Adventure Dogs’ discretion.

Big Adventure

Our Big Adventure runs twice daily. One in the morning, and one in the afternoon. These consist of groups up to six dogs, all matched by our dog walker based on how they are with each other. These are two hours of forest, mountain, or long large field walks. There may be water, there may be mud, but there will definitely be happy dogs.

Morning Adventure

Between 8am & 12pm

Starts at £20

Afternoon Adventure

Between 12pm & 4pm

Starts at £20

Little Adventure

Our Little Adventure runs up to three times a day. Little Adventures are solely reserved for two types of adventurer:

  • Puppies – preparing to graduate to our Big Adventure.
  • Retirees – older dogs who would benefit more from a casual walk in the park.


Little Adventures

Between 9am & 2pm

Starts at £13

Adventure Dogs

Pet Sitting Services

Our pet sitting services are available exclusively for regular clients. 

This is an additional service, to qualify you must be a regular (weekly or fortnightly) client for minimum of three months.