Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions 

1. General 

  1. The service is provided by S Rowe of Adventure Dogs (AD) and anyone working on AD’s behalf.
  2. All clients are deemed to have accepted AD’s terms and conditions (as laid out here) upon signing the consultation form. “Upon the services commencing”.
  3. Consultations are carried out prior to new service taking place.

2. Definitions 

  1. The client is the owner of the animal or empowered representative.
  2. Empowered representative is the person the client trusts to care for and make decisions for their animal(s) on their behalf should they be absent.
  3. Consultation refers to meeting and information gathering of the animal. Signing the consultation form becomes a legally binding document on which the client has given truthful and correct information. Price is agreed at the consultation and upon signing, becomes an inclusive part of the contract. 

3. Permissions 

  1. The client gives AD permission to enter their property to carry out the booked service at the arrange time and date. 
  2. The client must provide AD with a name and contact telephone number of someone empowered to make decisions relating to their pet(s) in an emergency. In the event that AD are unable to contact the client or empowered representative, the client empowers AD to make decisions on their behalf.
  3. The client’s veterinary details will be recorded and, where possible, they, or another veterinary surgeon will be contacted if AD is unable to communicate with the client or empowered representative. 
  4. In the event of an emergency AD will make decisions in the best interest of the clients pet(s) and when appropriate, seek advice and treatment of a veterinary surgeon without the client’s prior permission. The client accepts responsibility for all veterinary fees, however incurred. 
  5. Client’s permission must be given before a dog can be let off their lead. 
  6. Unless otherwise stated, the client agrees to their animals photo being taken and use on social media and/or for promotional material.

4. Dogs safety, Health and Wellbeing 

  1. All dogs must wearing a proper fitting collar or harness with the owners contact details engraved on an ID tag. AD will not be held liable for any accident, injury or damage to property due to a client’s dog escaping any ill-fitted or faulty equipment.
  2. Dogs must be in a secure location prior to being picked up. Confined to the garden does not constitute this. On return the dog(s) will be returned to the area of the house they were collected from. Note that dogs may be dirty, and it is therefore the clients’ responsibility to restrict access within their household. AD will not be held responsible for any damaged caused by the dog in its own household.
  3. All dogs must be vaccinated and treated for fleas, parasites and worms. AD will not be held liable for an unvaccinated dogs that catching a preventable illness. As such, AD reserve the right to refuse animals who are not vaccinated.
  4. Clients must inform AD if their dog(s) contracts any infectious conditions (e.g. kennel cough, conjunctivitis, sickness or diarrhoea). Any dog with an infectious condition will not be walked until cleared by a vet.
  5. The client must disclose any material information to AD about the dog and advise on new or changes to material information throughout the period of AD providing services for the client including but is not limited to:
    1. Any medical conditions such as incontinence, mobility issues, or travel sickness
    2. Any injuries that may impact of services such a paw or spinal injuries
    3. Any behavioural issue such as anti-social behaviour, aggression, prey drive or chase instincts that could cause injury or distress to people or damage to property.
  6. AD reserve the right to refuse to provide services for any dog that AD consider being unsuitable for such services. If the client fails to disclose such information, the service will be terminated. 

5. Dangerous animals

  1. No dogs under the dangerous dog act of 1991 will be accepted for walking or sitting services.
  2. Dog hybrids registered under the dangerous wild animal act 1976 (e.g. wolf hybrids) will not be accepted for walking or sitting.
  3. Any dog that shows uncontrollable levels of aggression may have their agreement terminated without further discussion. 

6. Cats and small animals safety, Security and Health 

  1. All cats and small animals are to be micro chipped. Especially if the clients cat(s) do not wear a collar for safety reasons
  2. AD recognises that cats are independent creatures and as such are left to come and go freely. Unfortunately accidents happen, and as such, AD cannot be held responsible for a cat that is allowed to freely use a cat flap and come and go as they please.
  3. If a cat(s) are let out to roam without the use of a cat flap and need to be brought in, AD will do their best to wait a reasonable amount of time to see the cat(s) and carry out the necessary duties. However, if the cat(s) haven’t turned up AD will have to leave. 
  4. If small animals are required to be put out into a run and the animal escapes during this process, AD cannot be held liable.
  5. In the event of extreme weather, AD may move and/or make adjustments to ensure the safety of outdoor pets. 

7. Updates

  1. The client will keep AD up to date on any changes regarding your contact number, your empowered representative name and number, your pet(s) care needs and/or behavioural changes and other pertinent information.

8. Insurance

  1. AD’s vehicle is insured for the safe transportation of your pet. Animals are fully insured to travel in any vehicle driven by AD. Unless the client states otherwise, it is presumed that the client has given permission for this. 
  2. AD does have public liability insurance. However, AD advises clients to have their own pet insurance and reserve the right to refuse a booking for any animal who is not insured. Please ensure you have valid insurance available to show during any consultation and when requested. 
  3. AD will not be held liable for any loss, injury or death of any animal, either inside or away from the client’s house while in AD care. As such matter, will be referred to AD insurers.

9. Keys 

  1. If the client is out when AD services are required a key must be given to AD on the day of consultation or left in a specified safe place for AD to pick up and retain. Any keys left in a safe place is at the discretion of the client and AD cannot be held liable for any damages or theft from a 3rd party taking and misusing the key.
  2. Retained keys will be coded and kept in a safe place when not in use.
  3. Keys will be handed back if/when services are terminated. 

10. Bookings 

  1. Before any new service takes place, a consultation must be done with the new or existing client.
  2. Consultations can be arranged by phone, email or through AD Facebook page and will take place at the client’s house for dog walking and pet sitting. For mantrailing, this will be conducted via email.
  3. Once the consultation has been completed, bookings for the same service can be repeated. For the repeat services, bookings need to be made a week in advanced to guarantee preferred day and time slot. This can be done through the means listed above. Irregular services booked may be subject to availability. 

11. Pricing 

  1. Please see website for up to date standard pricing on individual services.
  2. Optional extras are to be discussed on consultation if the service is being booked for the first time, or through the appropriate means listed above in the booking section for an existing client. If optional extras or adjustments to services are needed to an existing service, a commensurate charge will be determined by AD.

12. Payment

  1. As of April 5th 2020 all clients will be invoiced in arrears for dog walking at the end of each month. Invoices should be paid within 14 days of receipt. If no payment is made, or AD is unable to collect payment from the client by the agreed due date, interest maybe charged at 8% + the Bank of England standard base rate in use at the time of failure to pay.
  2. Pet sitting will require a 25% non refundable booking fee which is payable 5 days after booking. AD will decline any other enquires for the date upon receiving this fee. After the 5 day period, if no payment is received, the reservation will be automatically removed and become open for bookings. Once confirmed, the rest of the monies must be paid in full before the service is due to take place on the agreed contract start date.
  3. Mantrailing payments are to be made on the day of booking to secure your place.
  4. Payment is to be made into the AD bank account by bank transfer or Direct Debit payments for repeat services. 

13. Cancellation Policy 

  1. Cancelation periods vary depending on service. Please see below for individual service policies :-
ServiceCancellation PeriodCharge
Dog walking, Puppy visits and Small animal visitsLess than 48 hoursBetween 48 – 72 hoursMore than 72 hours100%50%0%
Pet SittingLess than 7 days Between 7 – 14 daysMore than 14 daysMore than 30 days100%75%50%25%
Less than 48 hoursBetween 48 – 72 hoursMore than 72 hours100%50%0%
  1. A notice to cancel must be given as soon as possible, however this needs to be confirmed in writing, either via email or through AD Facebook messenger. 

14. Adverse Weather 

  1. In the event of extreme weather conditions, services may be shortened or terminated if safety is deemed to be compromised in any way. This would include, but is not limited to extreme temperature, thunder and lighting, storms with torrential rain and/or strong winds, snow 
  2. If safe for AD to get to the clients house but is not deemed safe for full service to be carried out, for example extreme heat, AD will let the dog(s) out and fulfil the agreed service time with enrichment activities.
  3. If snow is on the ground and AD deems it dangerous and unsafe to move the van, services will be terminated on the day. If however AD can get to you, services will be charged at normal rate and cancellation policy apples.

15. Communication Policy

  1. Correspondence can be through Text, email or through messenger on the AD facebook page.

The client may find it useful to follow AD on social media for more information and/or daily updates




  1. AD will do everything they can to provide a professional and caring service. If you have any feedback or complaints please email them to [email protected]
  2. Any complaints must be emailed to AD within 7 days of receipt of service. 

16. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

  1. Using AD services constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may change at any point. AD will ensure that the latest version is available on the website. 
  2. AD reserve the right to alter pricing/service fees at any time. 

Dog walking

The commissioning of AD to carry out dog walking assignments, whether verbally or in writing constitutes acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. See above for general terms and conditions and below for additional dog walking terms and conditions. 

  1. Unless the client expresses permission, the dog(s) will be walked on lead.
  2. Unless the client expresses otherwise, dog may be walked in small groups. Groups are kept to a maximum of 5 dogs to ensure safety and control at all times.
  3. Unless the client expresses otherwise, dogs will be transported to a walk of AD choosing, this will not impact on their walking time.
  4. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, dog(s) will be exercised for at least 95% of their scheduled time. A small percentage is taken off to wash and dry dog(s) where necessary.
  5. AD will do their best to ensure that dogs are washed and dried off to the best of their abilities.
  6. The client must inform AD if their dog has ever used a muzzle and why. This should be left available for AD to use at their discretion. 
  7. In the event of adverse weather, walks maybe suspended and replaced with toilet breaks and enrichment activities in the clients home.

Pet sitting 

The commissioning of AD to carry out Pet/House sitting assignments, whether verbally or in writing constitutes acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. See above for general terms and conditions and below for additional pet setting terms and conditions. 

1. Changes to return date

  1. AD carefully schedules their time to serve the client as well as their other clients, therefore, there are no refunds or credits for early returns or last minute changes to pet care.
  2. In the event that the client is delayed on return, the client must inform AD immediately, who will try to make alternative arrangements or continued cover, this may incur a further charge.
  1. Keys
  1. To carry out the pet/house sit, AD must have a key. This key will be held by AD and coded for security and kept securely.
  2. A spare key must be left with someone the client trusts. Contact details of this person must be provided to AD.
  3. Details of anyone who has keys and if they are expected to visit during the contacted assignment, (family, cleaners, builders etc.) must be giving as well as times of when the visit is likely to take place. 

2. Insurance 

  1. It is agreed that it is the client’s responsibility to adequately insure the property, its contents and any pet with an insurance company of good repute, and that such shall continue for the duration of this agreement. The client must ensure that their household insurer has extended the policy to cover losses incurred while AD is present. AD will not accept liability for any damages to your property or pets. 
  2. All locks, security and preventative measure are put in operation whenever the property is left unattended or overnight unless otherwise stated. 

3. House Cleanliness 

  1. AD will do their best to leave the premises in a state in which it was found. 
  2. AD will clean up after your pet(s) to the best of their ability. 
  3. Details of where the cleaning supplies are stored must be given and waste bag provided to change bins at the end of the contracted stay. A working vacuum cleaner and mop bucket will be required. 
  4. During prolonged stays, bins will be put out for collection on the designated collection day of which the client will notify AD of.

4. Household Emergencies 

  1. Details of shut off points for services into the property must be provided when asked on the pet sitting consultation form.
  2. In the event of a household emergency, the client’s emergency contact will be contacted to arrange any remedial works. 

5. Pet Waste

  1. AD will properly dispose of your pet(s) waste. Dog waste will be bagged and disposed of in the client’s general waste bin unless otherwise stated.
  2. For cat litter trays, the client must provide all necessary items such as the litter, scooper, disinfectant sprays and bags in which to put the waste in.
  3. Other small caged animals, the client must provide all the necessary items such as sawdust, hay, disinfectant sprays and bags in which to put the waste in unless otherwise stated. 

6. Medication 

  1. AD will follow instructions to administer medications as directed but cannot be held liable for any complications that arise as a result. 

7. Unforeseen Purchases

  1. In the event that additional item need to be purchased in the absence of the client (pet food, litter, cleaning supplies or other necessary items that contribute to the health and wellbeing of your pet), AD will purchase these, retain a receipt and the client will be incoiced for reimbursement of these items on their return.

8. Accompanying Visitors

  1. AD may wish to have either a companion or spouse accompany them on an assignment at no additional cost to the client. This must be agreed with the client, and the companion/spouse will have been vetted by Adventure Dogs and will be subject to all necessary checks. 

9. Miscellaneous

  1. Where exceptional work or non standard skill and experience are involved e.g. the care of horses, farm animals, aviaries, large garden, green houses, indoor plant collections and swimming pools etc. charges will be made according to the level of skill required. All extra work must be approved by AD and stated in the contract under ‘other instructions’ on the pet sitting consultation form.
  2. Food for AD isn’t required to be left, as on prolonged stays food will be purchased for consumption. However, any food in the house will be presumed for Adventure Dogs to use. Out of date items will be disposed of in the correct bins. 
  3. Recycling bins are to be explained as each council have different rules on what can be recycled and how it can be recycled. 
  4. AD will take pictures of VIN numbers and registration plates of any vehicles left behind, so that in the event they are stolen, the relevant information can be handed to the police. Vehicle information will be removed from our files on return of the client. 


The commissioning of AD to carry out mantrailing services, whether verbally or in writing constitutes acceptance of our Terms and Conditions. See above for general terms and conditions and below for additional mantariling terms and conditions. 

1. Bookings

  1. Bookings for mantrailing are taken via email. No telephone or spoken sign ups are possible. 
  2. Payment is to be made upon booking and in full. Payment is acceptance of the terms and conditions as laid out here. 
  3. Upon receipt of payment, confirmation will be emailed. 
  4. Booking consists of one person and one dog to create a team. 

2. Payment

  1. Payment is expected upon booking. If no payment is received in 24 hours, AD reserves the right to refuse participation in the service you have signed up for. 
  2. Fees and prices are subject to change without notice. Price at time of booking applies.
  3. All courses/workshops must be prepaid. No admittance will be allowed unless the course fee has been paid in full. If you wish to pay in cash, please email us for details.

3. Participants

  1. Mantariling is run on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. The number of participants is limited unless otherwise stated. 
  2. All handlers must be dressed appropriately for the session with good footwear. Training is conducted in all weather conditions so participants need to be equipped. 
  3. In order to participate, all dogs must trail on a harness and a non extendable long lead. Failure to comply will have the service terminated due to safety reasons. 
  4. Owners are responsible for checking and maintaining their dog’s equipment. AD will not be held liable for any dogs escaping and/or causing injury due to faulty equipment.

4. Behaviour in and around the training area

  1. You agree to follow the guidance of AD and MantrailingUK instructors.
  2. Dogs must be on lead if not being worked, unless the trainer (AD) has given consent that you can walk your dog off lead in the training area. 
  3. Be polite and friendly with other members of public who are using the area. 
  4. Hi vis vests are provided for you to wear in when training.
  5. Dogs are to be left in the owner’s car when not working. It is down to the owner to ensure the dog has enough airflow and water to ensure their health and safety. 
  6. AD does not take any responsibility for interference with the law or injuries when participating in a mantrailing event/service.
  7. The following items are NOT PERMITTED at any training session/course/seminar/workshop under any circumstances: Electric shock collars, including citronella; any other device that causes discomfort, pain or fear to the dog; Prong or pinch collars; Any equipment that the trainer deems unacceptable.

5. Liability and insurance 

  1. The participation in any events/services offered by AD on your own risk which means the insurance lies with the participant(s) themselves. We therefore make you aware, that you have to be insured to be able to participate in any events/services. The participant is fully liable for any damages/harm done by themselves, their dog(s) or the people that came with them. AD does not take ANY responsibility for ANY damage/harm done to any person(s) or a thing(s) which includes but is not limited to:
    1. Buildings
    2. Cars
    3. Dogs
    4. Personal belongings 
  • You must be able to prove that your dog is insured if requested to do so. The participant takes the full responsibility for his/her dog(s), even if acting upon instruction of a trainer or organiser.
  1. You are fully responsible for your own and your dogs` actions. AD cannot be asked to take over any costs for damage or harm done to you or your dog(s).
  2. AD does not take any responsibility in case of injury or death of your dog/s, other animals or yourself or third parties.
  3. AD takes all reasonable precautions within the structure of our training sessions/workshops/courses to avoid injury resulting from dog bites. However, AD accepts no responsibility for damage or injury resulting from dog bites occurring to clients or their dogs while attending training sessions/seminars/courses/workshops.
  4. The Control of Dogs Act 1986 section 21 – “Liability of owner for damage by Dog” applies within our classes/seminars/workshops/trainings/introduction courses and on our premises or public premises (rented from a third party or owned).
  5. All instances of accident or injury must be reported to the dog trainer/instructor at the time they occurred.

6. Length of event/service 

  1. AD will determine the length of the event/seminar based on the progress of each participant and their dog(s) as well as the number of participants and the physical and psychological capability of each dog.
  2. AD will act in the best interest of the dog and can request an owner gives their dog a training break for a short duration. 
  3. If the participant is late for the event/service, it is their own fault and the trainer/organiser will not stop/pause the event/service because of this. The participant is not eligible to make up for any missed hours/days or get a reduction of cost because of such.

7. AD cannot guarantee success during or after any event/service